Life Without Oil: Why We Must Shift to a New Energy Future Published by Prometheus Books in April 2011 by Steve Hallett with John Wright "We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology" --Carl Sagan |
REVIEWS: "A brilliant overview of the dilemma posted by our society's profound dependence on a depleting, nonrenewal resource that is becoming more scarce and unaffordable almost by the month. Readers new to the 'peak oil' discussion will find this an excellent entry point." --Richard Heinberg, senior fellow Post Carbon Institute "This is a book of fundamental importance, especially as it is written in a very readable style. It explains the Oil Age, which is a brief epoch in a historical context. ... This book stresses the scale of the challenge but comes forward with useful suggestions for how people, and their governments, can begin to adapt and successfully react to what unfolds. It is essential reading for everyone." --C.J. Campbell, founder Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas "An important yet darkly blunt description of the energy situation; readers interested in the energy crisis and the green movement will enjoy it." -- Library Journal |
By the end of the 21st century, our oil and natural gas supplies will be virtually nonexistent, and limited coal supplies will be restricted to only a handful of countries. The authors make abundantly clear that we must plan for a future without reliance on oil; they make a compelling case that the key determinant of our global economy is not so much the invisible hand of the marketplace but the inexorable laws of ecology. The sudden surge in shale oil development, along with rosy promises by energy companies, has made many people complacent, thinking that oil supplies are inexhaustible. That is simply not true. As shale oil and natural gas reserves peter out sooner than we imagine, the coming decades could bring much disruption and change of lifestyle. In the end, we may learn a wiser, more sustainable stewardship of our natural resources. This timely, sobering, yet constructive discussion of energy and ecology offers a realistic vision of the near future and many important lessons about the limits of our resources. * Steve Hallett's newest book, The Efficiency Trap, is available at |